18:30 – 20:00: Networking reception
Location: Stanhope Hotel
Access: Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Brussels
Event Details: As Europe continues its journey journey to decarbonise our energy landscape, the role of the gas infrastructure industry has become increasingly crucial.
At GRIDTech 2023 the series of holistic discussions will delve into the opportunities and challenges related to the evolution of gas infrastructure to support the establishment of an integrated, resilient and decarbonised energy ecosystem.
GRIDTech 2023 topics:
Gathering a broad range of decision-makers and European energy stakeholders, the GRIDTech conference will be the occasion to assess the possible strategies and measures to support the key EU policy tasks. On the agenda: dynamic and interactive sessions with key policymakers, technical expert bodies and industry game-changers.
The event will be followed by a networking reception at the Brussels venue.
Travel to the venue: Located in the European district, the site is accessible by car and public transport: 10 minutes from the city center and 20 mins from the airport.
Public transport: Metro 2 and 6 to Trône
Programme: A detailed conference programme with speakers will be available shortly.
Questions or comments? Please let us know by sending an email to info@Gridtechevent.eu
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